Date Action Item Details Status
April 15 – May 14, 2024 Secure Permits and Equipment Obtain food service and business permits; purchase mobile café and equipment; install solar panels. Not Started
April 15 – May 14, 2024 Menu Development Create a menu of organic coffees and snacks. Not Started
May 15 – June 14, 2024 Staff Recruitment Hire and onboard barista-cashiers and a general manager. Not Started
May 15 – June 14, 2024 Supplier Agreements Finalize agreements with local organic suppliers for coffee beans and snack ingredients. Not Started
June 15 – July 14, 2024 Marketing Plan Develop a marketing strategy, focusing on social media outreach and launch promotions. Not Started
July 15 – Aug 14, 2024 Soft Launch Conduct a soft opening in selected locations to gather feedback and adjust operations. Not Started
Aug 15 – Sept 14, 2024 Official Launch Grand opening event for Green Wheels Café with full menu and services. Not Started
Sept 15 – Oct 14, 2024 Review and Refine Operations Assess customer feedback, sales, and operations; make necessary adjustments. Not Started
Oct 15 – Nov 14, 2024 Customer Loyalty Program Implement a loyalty program to encourage repeat business. Not Started
Nov15 – Dec 14, 2024 Community Engagement Initiatives Participate in community events and initiatives to increase brand awareness. Not Started
Dec 15, 2024 – Jan 14, 2025 Year-end Review Analyze full year’s operations, customer feedback, and financials to plan for the next year. Not Started
Jan 15 – Feb 14, 2025 Expansion Strategy Research and plan for potential expansion – additional carts or locations. Not Started
Feb 15 – Mar 14, 2025 Employee Development Programs Implement ongoing training programs focused on customer service and sustainability. Not Started
Mar 15 – Apr 14, 2025 Financial and Strategic Assessment Review financial health and strategize for the upcoming year, considering expansion and sustainability goals. Not Started